Thursday, March 17, 2016

When May the Trial End?

The people of Jerusalem were praising Jesus as he entered the city. They cried hosanna, which means O save.  What were they expecting?  It appears that they were expecting either a king like David to slay the oppressor much like he did the giant or at the least a judge like Gideon or one of the other nobles.

Did you ever stop and think how much faith that would take?  Israel was not facing some small army.  They were up against the world dominant Roman kingdom.  Why possibly did God wait until this time in history to send his son and present his kingdom?  My thought is that Jesus came when the people's faith was strong enough to believe the impossible.

Although the religious Jews rejected Jesus, the common man embraced him and what he had to offer.  For this very reason, the Jews were so responsive to the gospel message at Pentecost and beyond.

Great trials come into our lives and it may be that God will use them and delay deliverance until our faith reaches out for the impossible. How can you get your faith to this point?  Faith results from two sources: hearing God's word (Romans 10:17) and the working of his grace as he gives us faith (Romans 12:3).  What you should do is read God's word and allow your hearts to hear what it says and then ask God to give you faith to believe the impossible.

For with God nothing shall be impossible. (Luke 1:37)

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