Sunday, August 3, 2014

Holding Faith (1 Timothy 1:19)

Faith is not something that you have like a possession.  Once you get it, you must battle to keep it.  Each trial of life attacks your faith.  It tests your faith to its limit and then pushes it a bit further.  As circumstances of life appear to make life bleak and the promises of God untrue, you must grasp more firmly to your faith.  Your faith taps into the power of God.  Without faith you will be tossed about by the circumstances of life like a ship tossed about on the sea.  Without the ability to guide itself, a ship will be wrecked upon the shore.  Likewise, those who abandon their faith will become shipwrecked.

Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck: (1 Timothy 1:19)

Faith is not doing something to show you believe: it is simply believing.  Actions do not prove your faith, but true faith will affect your actions.  In times of crisis, do not focus on your Christian actions, but instead focus your faith on God: looking to him for what he will do and what he may beckon you to do.  While in most trials, God will want you to do nothing because most of your actions will be to try and deliver yourself from your trial.  God wants to be the Savior.  There may be times when he will guide you and your actions to bring about his deliverence, but he will use most trials to bring about death to yourself. (Romans 8:13)

Sadly to say when life goes wrong, so many people become hurt and angry with God.  Because of a wrong conception of him, they expect him to remove all problems from life.  When things do not work out, they put away or push away their faith.  They do not lose their faith or their faith does not become weak, they refuse to exercise it and with a deliberate act push away what the Holy Spirit is leading them to do.  Their faith is able to do what God is leading them to do, but they refuse to and this action will dash their life upon the rocks.

As you face trials, cling to the Savior, hold on to your faith and fight to keep it.

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