Saturday, January 6, 2018

The Shepherd: He Restores My Soul

I remember my first trip to the mountains of Pennsylvania.  It was a snowy day and I was walking along the top of the mountain.  When suddenly, my foot caught ahold of a root under the snow.  I tripped forward and after a number of staggering steps, I finally caught my balance.  That is when I realized I was in a very bad situation.  Because the wind was blowing hard, the tracks behind me were cleared away.  I was spun around and lost.

From my location, I walked in various directions trying to get to the edge of the mountain, which would lead me back to camp.  I was unsuccessful, cold, lost and darkness was fading in.  I was spin around and I really needed somebody to turn me in the right direction.

Life is much the same way. We live with everything appearing to be just right and then it happens.  Some event knocks us for a loop, spins us around, and we find ourselves farther away from God than we want to be.  How did it happen and how do we get back?

We can find ourselves turned around and away from God for a few reasons. One way we get turned around is by deceit.  We can be deceived by people who teach us things contrary to the Word of God or we could be deceived by our traditions.  Regardless of the source, unbiblical doctrine can cause you to end up far away from the Lord. If you are trying to live up to a standard so that you can be or feel accepted by God, you have been spun around. Instead of walking toward God, you are walking away from him.

Another major cause for believers to get turn about and away from God is by not being prepared .  We are admonished to put on the whole armor of God. When we are not equipped, we get overcome by our past and present failures. Our sin nature has the ability to rise up and take control of our lives and we can easily find ourselves turned around by sin, simply because we were not prepared.  But there is good news.

Remember, when life turns you around, it is only God who can turn you back around. He restoreth my soul... (Psalm 23:3)

It is God who can turn you around and he may use different ways to accomplish it. One thing we know is that he will use his powerful word because it is perfect and it can convert or turn around the soul. (Psalm 19:7) There can be instances where we may resist his working and when that happens, he may use acts of chastening to accomplish what is best for us. Regardless of how he does it, it will always be because of his mercy. (Psalm 85:4-7) Thankfully it is new every day. 

How did I get turned back around on that mountain top? I remembered that in the morning the sun rose from behind the cabin. Through the snow clouded sky, I spotted where the sun was ready to go down. I used the sun as a guide to get me back to safety by keeping my back to the sun and began running. Eventually, I made it to the mountain’s slope edge and to safety.

It is the same for me today. When I get turned around, I look for the son—the Good Shepherd—and he always leads me back.

Praise the Lord! He restoreth my soul.

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