Thursday, April 27, 2017

Why Do People Come to Jesus?


Why do people come to Jesus? Most people in society believe that it is the result from someone scaring them to death about hell. But is that really the reason? Surprisingly, it is not.

In Matthew 5 and Luke 6, Jesus speaks of certain conditions in life that are considered blessings to man. Blessed are you that are poor; blessed are you that are hungry;blessed are you that weep: these doesn't sound too promising to me. I don't see people lining up to be poor, hungry or sorrowful, but still Jesus says that these people are blessed.

Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God.

Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled.

Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh. (Luke 6:20-21)

The reason these are blessings is because when people find themselves in these types of situations, they are unable to deliver themselves and are forced to look outside of themselves for hope.

Before coming to Christ, I had everything that I have ever wanted, but I was miserable and sorrowful inside. That sorrow moved me to seek Christ. Renowned apologetist, Ravi Zacharias, was in a hospital bed after a failed suicide attempt and soon afterwards trusted Christ. I have met many successful businessman with cash just flowing through their hands, but their hearts were dry and the dry emptiness turned them to Jesus.

Surprisingly, most people do not come to Christ out of fear, but they come to him because they recognize the need for God to be in their lives. God wants to be in people's lives so that he may do his miraculous work, but in order for that to occur, he first must conquer the sin that separates us from him.  The message of Christ is still true. He died on the cross to make a complete payment for your complete lifetime committing sins.  His life for yours. When we trust him to do this, the sin debt is gone, but he does much more than that.  The poor become kingdom rich, the hungry souls are fed and the sorrowful laugh with joy.

Think about it. Why did you come to Christ? Or haven't you yet? You can today by simply calling upon him to save you from sin and do this miraculous work in your life too.

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