Sunday, September 18, 2016

As We Hope in Thee (Psalm 33:22)

My son, Anthony, was the first grandchild on both sides of the family.  Needless to say being spoiled was a regular occurrence.  As that special one, he learned ways to get people to do for him what he wanted.  I remember when he was around 12 years old he asked my sister, Lori, for something.  It kind of went like this.  In the little boy voice he spoke growing up he said, "Aunt 'Ore..."  Regardless of what followed, he already had her reeled in.  He just had a way with my sister that regularly resulted in benefits to him.  We too can have a way with God.

Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as we hope in thee. (Psalms 33:22)

Trying to change or become a better Christian isn't going to be enough to get God to work.  Granted, sin can hinder our prayers from being answered, but striving to be a better christian will not be enough because even when you believe you are at your best, you are still a sinner and have sin.  But when we hope in the Lord, which occurs when we look to him, it is then that he responds to us in mercy.

When we look to God and rely completely on him, he moves in mercy.  Not because we reached a plateau of holiness or because we have risen above the masses of sinners, but because of his mercy he works.  When we recognize our condition of falling short and being needy and look to God as our only source of help, God reaches down and works in mercy and love on our behalf.

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