Friday, January 29, 2016

Vengeance (Psalm 94:1)

What is it called when you take something that doesn't belong to you? Of course, it is stealing. Whether it be anything from a small priced pen to the elaborate designs for a new invention, it is wrong. However, there is another aspect of stealing that is a bit different than stealing tangible items. This occurs when non-tangible items are stolen such as taking credit for work done by another or seizing an opportunity that rightfully belongs to someone else. This passage refers to just such a thing. 

O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, shew thyself. (Psalms 94:1) 

Vengeance belongs to God. When you are wronged, you should not take opportunity to take vengeance on those that hurt you. When you do, you are stealing from God. A danger of doing this is that a heart that seeks vengeance is a heart that is controlled by the hurt created and as long as it remains under that control, the person who hurt you continues to do so. 

When you seek opportunity for vengeance you are stealing that which belongs to God. What you must do is wait on him. He may exercise righteous vengeance right away or delay his vengeance until another time. In my life, I have been greatly wronged by people. Some received their just deserts right away and others have seemed to get away with it for more that 30 years. In each case, the vengeance will come from God and until it occurs, I must wait. 

God is righteous and he will act justly. If we cast this care of vengeance on the Lord, he will care for you and do it. Instead of having a heart filled with hurtful emotions that will do more damage to you than your vengeance can do to others, you must rest in God. 

Have you ever seen someone seek vengeance? They never seem to get what they want or need. Consider the sentencing trials of a convicted killer and listen to the surviving loved one lash out with words and even at times try to physically attack the criminal. Do they get appeased? Have you listened to news testimonies when a criminal is executed. No survivors express satisfaction. At best, they get some type of closure.   

However, if you allow God to be the possessor of vengeance, you will be able to move forward in your life and allow his grace and love to bring healing to your heart. Without this resting in him, anger, hurt and bitterness will abide in your heart and become a poison to your soul.

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