Monday, February 9, 2015

Overwhelmed (Psalm 61:2)

I remember a time when I was swimming in the ocean.  I really enjoyed plunging through the waves or swimming over top of them as the large swells approach the shore.  But what I don't like about the ocean is when the waves catch me by surprise.  There is nothing worse than turning around just in time to see a wave overwhelm and swallow you up with its massiveness.

I have had other situations in life that do the same to me.  I remember receiving phone calls concerning the passing away of loved ones.  Accidents, breakdowns, financial turn arounds, shattered relationships and such are examples of problems in life that can overwhelm and swallow us up with their massiveness as well.

What do we need in situations like this and what can we do?  The Psalmist stated it well.  

From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. (Psalms 61:2)

What we need is to find a source of footing so that we may stand above life's circumstances.  The source for standing firm is The Lord Jesus Christ.  What we need is a greater understanding or an increase of faith so that we may mount ourselves higher than the circumstances we face.  Just as a rock climber seeks ridges and jagged edges of the rock to grasp and lift himself up the face of the cliff, we must seek God to reveal something about himself that will enable us to grasp and raise ourselves up by faith to newer heights in our walk with him.  When we do, we will abound in spite of our circumstances.

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